Do Attachment Styles Determine the Dance of Our Romantic Relationships?

My TEDx Experience: A Journey of Growth and Discovery

A Rewarding and Overwhelming Experience

My experience doing a TEDx talk was one of the most rewarding yet overwhelming times of my life. It was a journey that spanned over a year, from the initial application to finally seeing my talk on the TEDx YouTube channel. Despite the challenges and surprises along the way, this journey has been incredibly transformative.

The Unexpected Hurdles

After my talk was first uploaded to YouTube, I noticed a misspelling and requested it to be corrected. However, when they were about to re-upload it, they asked for additional sources, despite having already approved it once. This surprised me, but I took the challenge head-on, submitting an extensive research paper with resources from renowned researchers and psychologists like Gabor Mate, Daniel Siegel, Norman Doige, Kristen Neff, and Richard Swartz.

Facing Self-Doubt and Embracing Growth

When the video was finally re-uploaded with a disclaimer stating it wasn't backed by science, I felt confused and upset. This experience brought up a limiting belief: "They won't respect me because I'm 'just a coach' and not a psychologist." Through reflection, I realized that this was an opportunity for growth. I acknowledged the need for more research in my field and decided to focus on this as I continue my education in psychology, aiming to contribute to the understanding of relationships and healing.

The Humbling Reality

Our TEDx talk took place on February 29, 2024, and it wasn't until July 18 that it was uploaded to YouTube. It's fascinating to see how many talks are uploaded daily, reminding me that while the TEDx experience is unique and special, it's also a humble reminder that every step in our journey is just that—a step. This realization has been healing, teaching me not to put too much stock into any single moment but to appreciate the ongoing journey.

Lessons Learned and Moving Forward

The TEDx talk connected me with amazing friends, built my confidence, and expanded my network. It taught me to silence the negative voices in my head that say, "You're not good enough" or "Who do you think you are?" Instead, I learned to embrace my identity and worth. I am Jennifer Noble, a relationship coach, mother, wife, friend, and board game geek. If my TEDx talk helps even ten people, I will have achieved my goal of being a shining light of love, compassion, and encouragement.

"Our early experiences don’t have to hold us back from what we want in life. Through the process of identifying and modifying our attachment styles, we can break free of the patterns that keep us stuck in the rhythm of unhealthy relationships. Every step brings us closer to the relationships that we not only desire but that we truly deserve."

— Jenn Noble

TEDx Talk